Special Projects
Copiii spun/Children Say is that special moment that we need in our lives when we feel overwhelmed, when adult life becomes confusing. Whether we are parents or not, children have the power to make us smile not only when they say “the darndest things", but especially when they show us how wise they can be and leave us speechless. Copiii spun/Children Say is a natural development, and comes both from the need to understand the little ones better, and our strives for understanding ourselves better - how come everything is so clear in our minds when we are kids, and why do we lose this clarity with every new year we grow older? Last but not least, Copiii spun/Children Say is a very much needed show in the Romanian media landscape - a format which proposes to make us laugh and meditate and the same time. An exclusively digital editorial project, made up of unconventional interviews with notable figures, which Virgil Iantu puts out of their comfort zones, through a personal and novel approach. We’re talking about some of the candidates who had the most chances at the local elections of 2016 in Bucharest: Catalin Predoiu, Robert Turcescu si Nicusor Dan.
"Copii spun... emotiile sunt bune", by Virgil Iantu
"Fericirea e un ac de siguranta", de Razvan Exarhu
Copiii spun... cu Virgil Iantu
Iantu Slabiciunilor